The story of this extraordinary Torah’s survival through the Holocaust has a powerful new branch in the animated The Tattooed Torah, especially for students and young learners who need knowledge and inspiration as they take on the responsibilities of the future.
Stephen D. Smith
Finci-Viterbi Executive Director Chair, USC Shoah Foundation
UNESCO Chair on Genocide Education
10 Films That Keep the Holocaust Fresh in Our Memories… Jojo Rabbit, Life is Beautiful, Sophie’s Choice, The Pianist, Schindler’s List… The Tattooed Torah. It is a true challenge to introduce very young people to Holocaust stories but this highly touted children’s book - and subsequent animated short film - did so. Marc Bennett directed and Ed Asner narrates the 20-minute result.
Michelle Willens
The Wrap
We are so fortunate to have Marvell Ginsburg’s book, The Tattooed Torah, as well as the actual Torah that the book is based on, at Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago. For over 30 years this book has been a tremendous tool for helping us teach our young students important lessons about the Holocaust. Having an engaging, animated short film based on the book and its vital message is sure to extend its reach, and bring a new level of Holocaust education for children all around the world.
Lena Kushnir, Ed.D.
Head of School
Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago
The film was charming and moving and beautifully done. Thank you for doing this - and reminding us how intimate is the link between the Torah and the human being.
Rabbi David Wolpe
Max Webb Senior Rabbi
Sinai Temple, Los Angeles
The Tattooed Torah presents a moving, important and educational Holocaust story with magnificent visuals that will immediately draw in youth, adult and family audiences.
Susan Abrams
Chief Executive Officer
Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
This film is artistically beautiful and carries a strong message of determination and hope. I think it’s very moving and a valuable & powerful learning tool for children.
Michele M. Gold
Board Chair
Holocaust Musem Los Angeles
I am honored to be a part of the passionate and dedicated team that created this three-generational endeavor, initiated by Marvell’s daughter, Beth Kopin, who first had the dream to transform her mother’s renown children's book into a film, and her son Brett, the co-screenwriter of the screenplay, who is currently a rabbinical student in Los Angeles. Now, more than ever, it is essential that we share the stories and lessons of our history with the younger generations, so that horrific events such as the Holocaust are never forgotten and never repeated.
Ed Asner
Actor, Narrator of The Tattooed Torah
A moving book that I read to my children when they were very young has now taken on a magnificent new life in this elegantly simple but profoundly moving animated film about a tattooed Torah, the love that a young boy had for that Torah, and the values of tradition and holiness embodied in it. Hauntingly beautiful, charmingly innocent, poignant, powerful and deep.
Michael Berenbaum
Professor of Jewish Studies
Director, Sigi Ziering Institute
American Jewish University
Los Angeles, California
A powerful, engaging, sensitive and poignant film for Holocaust education worldwide - a must see! The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival was honored to host a sold out special event screening of the film followed by a Q&A with executive producers Stephen D. Smith and Melinda Goldrich, screenwriter Brett Kopin, composer Daniel Alcheh, director Marc Bennett and narrator Ed Asner.
Hilary Helstein
Executive Director
The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival
We are honored to participate in such a transformative project that can educate young children about the Holocaust in an authentic and engaging manner through this beautifully animated film.
Fernando Allende
Actor, Narrator
Adán Allende
Actor, Voice of the young boy
The Spanish version of the film: La Pequeña Torá Tatuada
The story of the Tattooed Torah is a profound story of love, bonds across generations, tradition, resilience and above all – a story of hope. It shows how the scars and atrocities of the past can indeed lead to a better informed and stronger future. We shall be working with the film in our Prague Jewish school together with the Jewish community in Brno, where the Torah is originally from.
Tereza Gafna Váňová
Deputy Director
Lauder School of Prague
Jews were living in the Czech lands for more than 1,000 years. This ended during the Shoah. The Tattooed Torah teaches young children the lessons of the Shoah, through the story of a small Torah from Czechoslovakia. These lessons are so important, especially in these challenging times, of growing Hatred, Racism and Antisemitism around the world. King Solomon said about the Torah: ‘She is a tree of life to those who lay hold on her, and happy are those who hold her fast' (Proverbs, 3:18). Mazal Tov on producing this important movie.
Daniel Meron
Ambassador of Israel to the Czech Republic
Director Marc Bennett is to be commended for undertaking the gutsy challenge of transforming Marvel Ginsburg’s three decade longstanding beloved children’s book,The Tattooed Torah, into one of the most engaging and commanding animated Holocaust films, impeccably designed, to keep inspiring younger generations to remember this stunning story of hope, courage and responsibility.
Rositta E. Kenigsberg
Holocaust Documentation & Education Center
Dania Beach, Florida
Bennett’s direction gives the film a thoughtful pace, allowing you the time to digest and reflect rather than simply rushing through it. It feels as though it’s been set to the speed of a story being read to a child, which is a very clever choice. It’s a similar feel with the way that it moves, like turning pages of the story, impressively bringing the experience of the book to life. The film succeeds in taking this meaningful story and giving it an even louder voice.
Rebecca Cherry
Film Carnage
Daniel Alcheh’s score for The Tattooed Torah has moments of hope and heartbreak, without being too forceful in eliciting its emotion and will stay with the listener long after the album has ended. This soundtrack may be a short one, but it’s also a stunning, surprising release that’s well worth seeking out.
Steven A. Kennedy
Film Score Monthly
Beautifully done! An excellent contribution to the field of Jewish education and a terrific film for families to watch and discuss.
Dr. Ron Wolfson
Fingerhut Professor of Education
American Jewish University
There are more than 1600 Torah scrolls that survived Europe and are rooted in congregations and communities around the world. Each Torah has a unique and powerful story. This amazing film helps each one of them blossom in prominence and stature by bringing to life the common threads of each tattooed Torah. You have literally made them become the trees of life they are called. Thank you for making this incredible film.
Rabbi Steven Lowenstein
Temple Am Shalom
Glencoe, IL
The Tattooed Torah is a gorgeous and deeply affecting story. Aspen Film was proud to present the film as part of our 2020 Oscar®-qualifying Shortsfest in April. Director Marc Bennett does an incredible job with the material, which is infused with such beautiful and touching moments. The visuals convey so much, and the moving score only adds to the delicate nature of this heart-breaking yet ultimately heart-warming story.
Susan Wrubel
Executive + Artistic Director
Aspen Film
A beautiful educational film about a Torah and how it survived the Shoah. We are proud that this Torah, #32804 (MST181), which is one of the 1564 we care for, continues to be used in such a meaningful way.
Jeffrey Ohrenstein
Trustee (Chairman)
Memorial Scrolls Trust
London, England
Marvell (the author of the book) was so ahead of her time, both as an educator of Jewish history and a narrator of a story so timely and as important today as it has ever been.
Susan L. Karkomi
Vice President, Board of Directors
Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
Kol Hakavod on this project. The film is exceptionally high quality educational material. It was so exciting to learn about the possibilities for such extensive distribution.
Rabbi David Soloff
Director Emeritus
Camp Ramah
We all appreciated the opportunity to view the film. I feel it fills a unique niche with it’s ability to reach young people and begin the process of connecting them with this difficult subject matter. It was so well done, with the drawings, music and message.
Jill Weinberg
Midwest Regional Director
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Tattooed Torah engages young and old alike, sensitively educating about the Holocaust and conveying the source of Jewish survival - our cherished Torah, and the Jewish people’s dedication to it, throughout the ages.
Rabbi Raphael Shore
Founder, Chairman
OpenDor Media (Formerly Jerusalem U)
Recorded by a live orchestra and choir in Moscow, Daniel Alcheh’s score is both appealing and affecting, its music style drawn from his Jewish musical heritage but also embraces cinematic musical conventions that enliven the story’s drama. Alcheh felt that a full orchestra would be able to give Ed’s narration and the visuals a warmth and depth while not competing with them. The choir added emotion to some key moments and brings a perfect layer of prayer, hope, fragility, and humanity to the music.
Randall D. Larson
You are getting excellent reviews from everyone in my family, and particularly the ones with young kids ages 4, 8 and 11.
Ethan Budin
Former President
Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago 
The Tattooed Torah film makes the horrific experiences of the Holocaust emotionally accessible for children. Its beautiful images open understanding to the loss other children faced in that black time in history, but does it without giving them nightmares. Most importantly it honors the survivors who kept their promise to the past and maintained their hope for the future. The Little Torah inspires all of us, young and old, to remember, to never give up hope, and to pass our heritage on to our children and theirs. I am forwarding this to our Middle School and High School staff.
Peggy Shapiro
Midwest Executive Director
Supporting Israel and Fighting Anti-Semitism Around the World.
A beloved children’s book has become a beautiful, animated film lovingly directed by Marc Bennett and perfectly narrated by Ed Asner. This touching story of a Torah that survives the Holocaust is a must see for children and adults alike.
Jonathan Ornstein
Executive Director
Jewish Community Centre of Krakow
The Tattooed Torah is a heart-warming story of survival despite all odds. It is a message of hope, faith, endurance and the eternity of the Jewish people. It speaks to young and old alike and is a reminder to never give up.
Rabbi Mendel Mintz
Chabad of Aspen JCC
The Tattooed Torah offers us and future generations the privilege of bearing witness to our ancestors' stories of courage, resilience and survival. The film is an invaluable educational resource for children, a way of opening up an age-appropriate conversation about a dark moment in our history. I was deeply moved by the beautiful animation, evocative soundtrack and poignant story, all of which come together in a film that highlights the human capacity for survival in the face of tragedy, and which celebrates Torah and the power of stories. A must-watch!
Sofia Zway
Rabbinical Student
Hebrew Union College / Jewish Institute of Religion
How fortunate that our New Mexico and El Paso communities were introduced to this remarkable film and the story on which it is based. It evoked the deep sadness and horror of the holocaust, but also the joy of the survival of the Jewish people. I'm glad that my Kleenex was close at hand. A memorable film for young and old alike.
Monika Kimball
Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso
This film captivated the imagination and curiosity of our children. It prompted more questions about a topic that is so challenging to discuss with young children, and allowed for a more meaningful conversation to take place.
Robert Silverstone
President & CEO
Silverstone Consulting, Inc.
Thank you for your fascinating and moving presentation. I intend on using The Tattooed Torah film when teaching about the Holocaust to my students here in Sydney, Australia. Since your presentation, I did some research and have discovered that there are a number of Memorial Scrolls Trust Torahs here in Sydney - I’m fascinated by this whole story and hope to be able to incorporate this historical element into my teaching.
Lauren Rosettenstein
Sydney, Australia
The Tattooed Torah is moving, heartwarming, and presented in the perfect way to tell an important historical story to children.You have a treasure with both of these creations, the book and the film, and I wish you continued good fortune spreading the word around the world.
Marla Schachtel
So beautifully done! As a parent I loved how it was educational and created conversation and questions from our children (ages 8 & 12) about the Holocaust, scribes, torah and more. Thank you.
Suzanne Horwich
Omaha, Nebraska
We watched the movie last night as a family and all had tears in our eyes. There are really no words to describe the ways you've brought the story to life with this film. Thanks for continuing to share the story of the Little Torah with everyone!
Benjy Forester
Rabbinical Student
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
New York City
I showed the movie to six of my grandchildren 6 to 17, during our daily family zoom meeting. All were captivated and said that they learned a lot. I got a whole explanation (a very excited one) from Yotam (6 years old) on the movie. Then he asked if we could watch it again together, which we did. Left a huge impression with him. He also asked about a Hebrew version. We all appreciate your endeavor.
Aharon Ron Garr
Jerusalem, Israel
What a gift your piece is with the music and animation that reminds me of old paper puppets that told stories to children. I like the fact that it is told from a child's point of view and is such an innocent tale of love and loss. I always found it bizarre that anyone would think of not only conducting genocide on a people, but then saving the artifacts to eventually be in some future museum. Unconscionable. Luckily they do not get to write our history.
Barbara K McQuiston
San Diego, California
I loved it! The illustration work is phenomenal.
Amy Saxon
Winnetka, Illinois
Wow! It is just wonderful. We waited to watch it today on Yom Hashoah. It truly moved us.
Julie Sherman
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Thank you so much for sharing this very special movie. I bought the book when I lived in Kansas City. It was balanced perfectly with the inspirational story and age appropriate background.
Cheryl Stiebel
Jerusalem, Israel
The movie was beautifully done. Kol Hakavod. Please let me know how religious schools may use it. I teach at North Shore Congregation Israel here in Chicago and they may want to use it at some point.
Jody Schmidt
Deerfield, Illinois
I watched the film… absolutely beautiful and compelling. Thank you!
Rabbi Mark Cooper
New York City
Power of a great idea! The project has been blessed. I am so happy that I could be a witness to the coming of life journey of this book to film. Can’t wait to see the all the good that comes from it.
David Coleman
Senior Producer
OpenDor Media (Formerly Jerusalem U)
Thank you. In memory of our Starkman Kluska Frankenburg Pachter Altman cousins who were brutally murdered during the Holocaust.
Sandy Starkman
Highland Park, Illinois
I just watched this beautiful film. Thank you for sharing it with me and the world. What a beautiful way to spread Holocaust education to children and honor the book and story.
Elisheva Bellin
Jerusalem, Israel
What a moving piece - I can’t thank you enough for sharing this with me; I purposely waited until Erev Yom Ha’Shoah to watch it. This movie is an inspiration and a gift.
Amy Skopp Cooper
National Associate Director
National Ramah Commission
Thank you! I shared the film with our children so they can watch with our grandchildren.
Linda Hoffenberg
Skokie, Illinois
I have spent a deep time of reflection, thinking, and praying after I watched the film. I am very grateful. Don’t have any more words today…. just THANKS.
Eva Mikulecká
Michle Church, Prague, Czech Republic
*Where the Torahs were warehoused after the war.
Congratulations, it came out beautifully. I have sent it on to my children and grandchildren to watch.
Murray Goldberg
Boca Raton, Florida
My parents showed all the grandchildren the video on Yom Hashoah and they really connected to it - all ages. It was very powerful and allowed the kids to relate to it in a very special way.
Yossi Garr
Director, Nativ
Fuchsberg Center for Conservative Judaism
Jerusalem, Israel
First of all allow me to congratulate you and your team on making such an incredible movie introducing the Holocaust issue to children in a really very sensitive manner! The movie really has a very high potential of a successful introduction of the Holocaust theme to the children, including children in the Czech schools. It could be very meaningful learning material and I am sure it deserves elaborating the educational aspect and enrich it with some teaching materials, worksheets, etc. I would like to draw your attention to activities the Czech Republic is regularly doing within the framework of the fight against antisemitism and raising awareness about Holocaust. It is the program of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic supporting the seminars for the teachers who participate every year in seminars organized by Yad Vashem. I wish you good luck with the movie promotion and I would be more than pleased to help you to connect you with the right people in order to contribute a little bit to this highly important project.
PhDr. Veronika Sidó, MBA
Press, Culture and Education Attaché
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Tel Aviv, Israel
This is a wonderful movie that is so touching and well put together. I hope that this incredible story will reach many people. I am looking forward to screenings in Poland. I’m sending the link to one of the most famous festivals in Poland - Warsaw Jewish Film Festival.
Paulina Fiejdasz
Film Director
Krakow, Poland
We loved it! Very moving indeed. Well put together, long enough that we got into the story but short and simple enough that it was accessible. Can see how it could be enjoyed by all ages.
Nick Kling
London, England
The Tattooed Torah presents difficult content in a most accessible way through the use of the engaging animation, narration and story line. It is the perfect length to serve as an introduction to the Holocaust for younger children and as a stepping stone to more research for older children. Highly recommended!
Ilana Locker
Director of Library Services
Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel